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- When: AED holds elections at the time of Spring Induction to determine positions for the next year’s Executive Team. The new Executive Board team is announced shortly after Induction (late March/early April).
- Positions available: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian
- All Executive Officer Positions will be held for the following Fall and Spring term, so one year in total!
- Must be an inducted member of Alpha Epsilon Delta OR must be about to become an inducted member in the upcoming Spring Induction
- Please complete the GPA calculator, review the sample AED Biography/Headshot (below) and attach your own to the application submission, and review the explanation of each position (below) before completing your application. Please note that the Historian and reporter will be a combined position for our election process.
- Included in your application submission should be a short 2 minute or less video describing how you would be a good candidate for the position.
- Speeches will be delivered in-person and will be voted upon by AED’s Spring 2025 Induction Class.
- In addition to submitting the items below, there will be a short interview process with our Advisor, Mrs. Denham, and current AED Executive Board Members.
- You will be reached out to by a current Executive Board member after submitting your application and before Induction.
Application: Open March 3rd to midnight March 25th, submit to!
DEADLINE: All application materials should be submitted by midnight on March 25th, 2025. If you have any questions, please email