Spring 2024 Induction
- Applications for Induction opens on March 3rd
- Spring 2024 Induction will take place in person on April 3rd from 7-9 P.M.
- All members who wish to be inducted on this date should fill out/return the induction forms by March 25th at midnight!
- All completed forms should be emailed to AED Inductions, (bamaaedinductions@gmail.com)
- You will receive your induction application confirmation and invitation with more details about the time and place of Induction via email.
- Must have completed 3 Semesters in College
- 15 points by the application deadline of March 8th [check your current point total here]
- Must have a 3.2 overall GPA and Science & Math GPA (use this GPA Calculator Excel Sheet to compute your GPA)
- Must have 20 hours of Community Service (proof of this must be attached with your application)
Induction Forms
AED National Induction Application
- The application must be TYPED and EMAILED to the AED Inductions, (bamaaedinductions@gmail.com)
- Application Fee: $85
- Venmo and Cashapp (@bamaaed) will be accepted to help encourage the contactless application turn-in process, please include your first and last name in the comment with AED next to it! (ex. Will Smith AED)
- Include your CWID and a professional headshot within the body of the email when you submit your application to the AED Inductions, (bamaaedinductions@gmail.com)
Documentation of Service Hours
- Have logged at least 20 hours of community service before induction forms are due on March 25th at midnight!
- Members should fill in/get a signed service hours sheet or attach a screenshot for proof of service hours in your email to the AED Inductions, (bamaaedinductions@gmail.com)
- Documentation of Service Hours can be submitted in any form as long as your hours are signed off by a supervisor
Induction Application Google Form (required)
- In addition to the forms above, you are required to fill out a Google Form linked to be considered for induction. This helps to compile all of the information needed to submit to AED Nationals regarding our newly inducted class.
Running for AED Leadership
If you are interested in running for an Alpha Epsilon Delta Executive Officer Position or running for an Initiative Director Position, please navigate to the corresponding pages for more information!
Please contact AED Secretary (bamaaedinductions@gmail.com or bamaaedsecretary@gmail.com) if you have any questions.