Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED), UA’s pre-health honor society, has worked with UA’s advising staff to create a student-led mentoring program for qualified upperclassmen mentors to be paired with underclassmen mentees. This program was created out of a strong desire to allow freshmen and sophomores an opportunity to be exposed to the types of information and advice that premedical students are typically not familiarized with until much later in their collegiate careers. Through coordination with mentors, mentees will become acquainted with an immensely beneficial set of resources (summer research and career activities, organizations, MCAT preparation, lab research, etc.) that will prepare them for the medical school admissions process. 

Mentors will gain invaluable experience engaging with their pre-health peers in a one-on-one relationship, which will not only be a rewarding part of your undergraduate experience, but will also enhance your medical school application. Mentees and mentors will meet monthly at their convenience to discuss both the suggested mentoring curriculum, as well as any personal questions or concerns mentees may have. The most successful mentoring relationships involve both individuals communicating intentionally and openly about their experiences and goals to learn from one another.

This is the professor recommendation form! If you have a professor and course they teach to recommend, fill this out and we will release updated sheets periodically:

This is the link to fill out what classes you are in so we can compile lists of classes that fellow AED members are in to form study groups/ask questions!:

Stay tuned for more updates by attending AED meetings on Tuesdays at 7 PM and by following the AED Instagram (@ua_aed). We look forward to serving AED members this year through the Pre-Health Mentoring Initiative!

If you have specific questions, feel free to email the Pre-Health Mentoring Initiative Directors (